Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Infotechonline!

These terms and conditions outline the rules and regulations for using Infotechonline’s Website, located at https://infotechonline.net.

When you visit this site, you are deemed to have accepted the rules and regulations. Please stop using Infotechonline, if, in your opinion, you do not accept all of the terms and conditions outlined in this document.

The following terms apply to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement as well as the Privacy Statement and Disclaimer Notice, as well as any other agreements: “Client”, “You” and “You’re” refers to you that person who logs on this site and is compliant with the Terms and Conditions of the Company. “The Company”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our” and “Us” is a reference to the Company. “Party”, “Parties” (“Parties”), or “Us”, refers to our Client as well as ourselves. Each term refers to an offer, acceptance, and payment consideration required to provide our aid to the Customer according to the most suitable manner to address the Client’s requirements about the provision of our stated services as per and subject to the current legislation of the United Kingdom. Any usage of the above terms, or any other word with the singular or plural, capitalization or he/she or they, is taken as interchangeable and, therefore, as referring to similar terms.


The Infotechonline website makes use of cookies. When you access Infotechonline you consented to utilize cookies by the Infotechonline Privacy Policy.

The majority of interactive websites make use of cookies to get the details of visitors every time they visit. Cookies are utilized on our site to enhance certain features so that it is easier for visitors to our site. Some of our affiliate/advertising partners may also use cookies.


If not stated otherwise, Infotechonline and/or its licensors are the owners of intellectual property rights of the content that is available on Techyvine. The intellectual property rights of Infotechonline remain with Techyvine. Access to this information is available through Infotechonline solely for your private use, subject to the conditions outlined in these terms and conditions.

Do not

  • Republish infotech online content
  • Rent, sell, or sublicense the material of infotech online
  • Copy, reproduce, or duplicate materials from Infotech online
  • Redistribute the content of infotech online

The term of this Agreement will commence at the time of this date.

Certain areas of the website provide the possibility for users to share and discuss thoughts and opinions in particular sections on the site. Infotechonline does not moderate and edit, publish, or read Comments before the time they appear on this website. Comments are not a reflection of the opinions or views of ofInfotechonline’s agents and/or its affiliates. They reflect the opinions and opinions of those who express their opinions and views. If they are permissible by applicable law, Infotechonline will not be responsible for any Comments posted or any responsibility in the form of damages, expenses, or losses incurred and/or incurred by reason or arising out of the publication of or appearance on this site.

Infotechonline reserves its right to scrutinize all Comments and will remove any Comments that are deemed unacceptable, offensive, or constitute a breach of these Terms and Conditions.

You warrant and agree you are:

  • The right is yours to make your comments on our website and have all licenses and authorizations;
  • The comments do not infringe any intellectual property right which includes copyright and trademark, or patent owned by third parties;
  • The comments do not contain any insulting, defamatory, or indecent content that would constitute an invasion of privacy.
  • The comments will not be employed to promote or solicit any custom or business, nor to present commercial or illegal activities.

You grant Infotechonline an unrestricted license to reproduce, use, or edit your comments and to permit others to copy, reuse, and modify the content of your Comment in all formats and formats.

Hyperlinking to our Content

The following organizations may connect to our website without prior written consent:

  • Government agencies;
  • Search engines;
  • News media;
  • Distributors of online directories may hyperlink to our site similarly to how they link to the websites of the other listed companies as well.
  • Accredited businesses across the System, except for soliciting charitable organizations, malls, and charitable groups that raise money. They are not permitted to link to our website.

They may also hyperlink to our home page and other publications as well as other information on our Website as that the hyperlink: (a) isn’t at all deceitful; (b) does not mislead or suggest endorsement, sponsorship, or endorsement of the linked party or the products or services it offers as well as (c) can be used in the specifics of the linking company’s website.

We can consider and even approve additional link requests coming from the following kinds of companies:

  • Generally known business and/or consumer information sources
  • dot.com communities;
  • associations, or any other group that represents charities
  • online directory distributors;
  • internet portals;
  • Accounting, law, and consultancy businesses; as well as
  • Educational institutions and trade associations.

We’ll approve links from these companies if we determine that: (a) the hyperlink will not look negative towards us or our affiliated businesses (b) the business has no negative history with us, (c) the benefits to us from the publicity of the link is greater than the lack of Infotechonline or infotechonline, and (d) the hyperlink appears within the context of general information about resources.

The organizations can connect to our homepage if the link: (a) is not at all deceptive, (b) is not intended to misleadingly suggest endorsement, sponsorship, or apprehension of the party linking to it and its services or products or products; and (c) can be used in the context of the linked party’s website.

If you belong to among the companies listed in paragraph 2 above and would like to link to our site please notify us by e-mailing Infotechonline. Be sure to include your name, the organization’s name, and contact details along with your website’s URL and a list of URLs that you would like linking to our site as well as an outline of our website URLs that you wish to connect. Give us a couple of weeks to get an email response.

Organizations that have been approved may link to our site in the manner described below:

  • Through the use of our company name, or
  • Through the use of a uniform resource locator that is linked to
  • In the case of using any other description or representation of the Website that is linked to, that is compatible with the context and structure of the content available that is on the website of the party linking to it.

Technologyyvine’s logo or any other design is allowed to be linked in the absence of a trademark licensing agreement.


If you do not have prior written authorization, you should not make frames or other elements on our web pages that change visually the style or layout of our web pages.

Content Liability

We will not be held accountable for any information you publish on your site. You are obligated to defend from all allegations that are made from your site. The link(s) are allowed to be placed on any site that can be considered to be defamatory or illicit or that violates any other rights or encourages the infringement or any other violation of or violates the rights of a third party.

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right to demand to remove all hyperlinks or a specific link from our website. You agree to take down all links on our website at the time of demand. Also, we reserve the rights to modify the terms and conditions of these Terms and Conditions and the policy on linking anytime. If you continue to link to our website You agree to be bound by and comply with these linking guidelines and terms.

Elimination of the links on our website

If you notice a hyperlink on our website that you find offensive for any reason, feel welcome to notify us immediately. We’ll look into requests to delete links however we’re not obliged to comply or answer directly.

We cannot guarantee that the information provided on this site is accurate, and we don’t warrant the accuracy or completeness of it We do not guarantee to make sure that the site is always available or that information available that is on it is current.


To the fullest extent permissible by laws, we disclaim all terms, representations, warranties, and other conditions that relate to the website we operate and usage of the website. The disclaimer in no way:

  • Limit or exempt us from our liability in the event of the death of a person or injury to a person;
  • We limit or exempt any liability for fraud, the misrepresentation of a fraudulent nature;
  • restrict all of our or your liability in any manner that isn’t permitted by any applicable law.
  • exempt us from any or the liabilities of you that cannot be excluded by law.

The limits and restrictions of liability outlined in the present Section as well as elsewhere in this disclaimer (a) are dependent on the previous paragraph. (b) apply to all claims that arise under this disclaimer including those arising out of contracts or tort, as well as in breach of the statutory duty.

The site and all details and services available included on it are for free and without charge, we are not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever.